Making the Leap: Three Months In

Three months since making the leap seemed like a good time to take stock and share some of what has interested me lately. If you get some value from any of these links, or come across something you think might interest me, let me know! Contact details are at the front of the site, and social media links are at the foot of every page. Here's to the next three months!

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"Totally Dependent on Air Conditioning" (a podcast recommendation)

The designing out of passive cooling strategies - vernacular features developed to keep building occupants cool pre-air conditioning - has resulted in buildings that couldn't function if the AC was removed. And as the episode, and its accompanying write-up, says: in the USA, the total greenhouse emissions of air conditioning units are more than the country's construction industry.

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Raising Standards

If more complicated questions start to be asked then people can quickly feel out of their comfort zone. Working in the technical department of a product manufacturer, that was what I was happiest doing: giving honest, accurate and practical advice that answered people’s questions. Being seen as an expert brought a level of responsibility, but also a desire to share the same knowledge and ideas.

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BIM or Bust?

Any project starts with the expression of an idea. How that idea is developed by the many stakeholders along the way dictates if the end user gets to enjoy a building that is practical, affordable and comfortable. For communication to be effective means collaborating and sharing information effectively. BIM is at the forefront of this.

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