The future ain't what it used to be: Designing and constructing buildings for the long term

We're really only just getting to grips with these things, when they're an essential part of a lower carbon, less resource intensive future. If we don't do them, and do them quickly, what will remain for us to deal with? Maybe not nuclear waste, but what other costs - economic and social - might we have to bear? And for how long will we have to bear them?

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Balancing Design and Specification

It should be second nature to check the age of 'news' these days, but I was too interested in the subject matter to immediately pay attention to the date of publication. As a piece on how buildings fail their users, it felt every bit a story made in 2018. To discover that it was actually written four and half years ago only served to show that performance gaps have been a problem for a long time, and lessons are slow in being learned.

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